Home » Baja California » Mexicali » Francisco Murguía (Kilómetro Cuarenta y Nueve) » Avenida Jazmines

Avenida Jazmines, Francisco Murguía (Kilómetro Cuarenta y Nueve)

On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Avenida Jazmines: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.

Services near Avenida Jazmines

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  • School - 517m
    Ing. Jorge Lopez Collada - Estatal
    Kilometro 49 Estacion RiO Colorado 21722
    Nivel: Primaria; Subnivel: Primaria General; Tipo de servicio: Primaria General; Turno Matutino
  • Kindergarten - 517m
    Profa. MariA Lavalle Urbina - Estatal
    Poblado Francisco Murguia Kilometro 49 21722
    Nivel: Preescolar; Subnivel: Preescolar General; Tipo de servicio: Preescolar General; Turno Matutino

Recreation and Sports

  • baseball - 948m

Connected streets

List of streets and squares connected with Avenida Jazmines

 OSM Tags

way typeresidential
nameAvenida Jazmines