Home » Baja California » Mexicali » Mexicali » AMPL LUCERNA » Callejón Bahía San Luis Gonzaga

Callejón Bahía San Luis Gonzaga, Mexicali (AMPL LUCERNA)

On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Callejón Bahía San Luis Gonzaga: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.

Services near Callejón Bahía San Luis Gonzaga

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  • Parking - 972m
    Avenida Tierra Blanca
  • Gas station - 657m
    Avenida Ingeniero Luis Alcerrega


  • School - 427m
    Narciso Mendoza - Estatal
    Guerrero Negro Y Bahia San Jorge 21137
    Nivel: Primaria; Subnivel: Primaria General; Tipo de servicio: Primaria General; Turno Vespertino
  • Kindergarten - 529m
    Soledad Ponce de Leon Pati�o - Estatal
    Avenida Queretaro Y Bahia Magdalena 21130
    Nivel: Preescolar; Subnivel: Preescolar General; Tipo de servicio: Preescolar General; Turno Vespertino
  • University - 533m
    Escuela Normal Urbana Federal de Educacion Preescolar Estefania Casta�eda Y Nu�ez de Caceres - Federal Transferido
    San ValentiN Num. 2637 21130
    Nivel: Pedagogica, Universitaria O Tecnologica; Subnivel: Pedagogica, Universitaria O Tecnologica; Tipo de servicio: Educacion Superior Pedagogica; Turno Discontinuo

Recreation and Sports

  • Soccer - 295m


  • kindergarten;school - 1511m
    Salvador M Lima;Unidad de Servicios de Apoyo A La Educacion Regular Num. 43 - Estatal
    Calle P. Rocha, SN 21130;21160
    Nivel: Preescolar;Subnivel: Preescolar General;Tipo de servicio: Preescolar General;Turno Matutino;Nivel: Especial;Subnivel: Usaer;Tipo de servicio: Apoyar El Proceso De Integracion Educativa De Alumnos De Primaria Con Necesidades Educativas Especia

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nameCallejón Bahía San Luis Gonzaga