Home » Baja California » Tijuana » Tijuana » GRANJAS FAMILIARES DEL MATAMOROS » Calle Laderas


On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Calle Laderas: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.

Services near Calle Laderas

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  • School - 427m
    Instituto Ser Piero Da Vinci - Particular
    Avenida de los Llanos Num. 2922 22224
    Nivel: Secundaria; Subnivel: Secundaria General; Tipo de servicio: Secundaria General; Turno Matutino
  • Kindergarten - 598m
    Nuevo Mundo - Particular
    Avenida del Pe�o Num. 3121 22500
    Nivel: Preescolar; Subnivel: Preescolar General; Tipo de servicio: Preescolar General; Turno Matutino
  • College - 994m
    Centro Escolar Nuevo Continente - Particular
    Calle Margaritas 22023 22203
    Nivel: Bachillerato; Subnivel: Bachillerato General; Tipo de servicio: Bachillerato General De 3 A�Os; Turno Vespertino

Recreation and Sports

  • Soccer - 1107m
    CIX Matamoros - public access

Connected streets

List of streets and squares connected with Calle Laderas

 OSM Tags

way typeresidential
nameCalle Laderas